Women and Self Publishing: Ghetto or Utopia?

A recent reference to women’s literary self publishing being a ‘ghetto’ has inspired me to examine the merits of women’s self publishing and the disappointments of traditional publishing. Anyone who has been through the process of writing a book, finding beta readers, editing it and then sending it to agents or publishers knows the experience can be brutal. Why not save ourselves some of the pain and seek satisfaction in self publishing?

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Why Kindle Singles Are Like Nineteenth-Century Tracts and Why This Is a Good Thing for Publishing

What could nineteenth-century tracts and Amazon’s Kindle Singles program possibly have in common? To me, Kindle Singles is an opportunity to rejuvenate the publishing medium of the nineteenth-century tract. To twenty-first century readers, this may not at first sound particularly exciting. We usually associate tracts with religious purposes and expect…

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Finding an Online Marketing Voice (That Isn’t False, Cheesy or Salesy)

When it comes to self-promotion, us bookish types cringe. Who wants to be seen as a slimy salesperson pushing people to buy things they don’t need or want? But you don’t have to feel this way in online marketing. In fact, creative writers are better placed than anyone else to create a consistent and engaging voice in online marketing that is not false, cheesy or salesy.

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Authenticity and Setting: What Downton Abbey Would Look Like if It Were Actually Filmed in Yorkshire

Regardless of the frequent mentions of places in North Yorkshire, Downton Abbey was filmed almost entirely in the South. The North has therefore missed out Downton Abbey themed tourism, and the series has failed to meaningfully represent the North, but we can still imagine how Yorkshire might have been successfully showcased.

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